MAG Collection

Hazel Flewwelling’s Museum Opening Dress

What to wear to a museum opening in 1978.

Hazel Flewwelling’s Museum Opening Dress

Hazel Flewwelling (nee Waldburger) grew up in Ponoka. She earned her education degree from the University of Alberta and was a teacher in Central Alberta for over 30 years. Hazel has a passion for reading and was a Library Trustee in Red Deer for nine years.

Community has always been important for Hazel and her husban, Morris Flewwelling. Over the years, Hazel has been an active fundraiser and supporter for many different organizations. For example, she helped raise money for the new library building and the MAG’s current building. She and Morris remember many deals taking place over cups of tea.

This dress was worn by Hazel at the official opening of the Red Deer & District Museum & Archives building on October 6, 1978. Morris was the Executive Director of the Red Deer & District Museum from 1978-1995. The Flewwellings were major proponents of the museum having a clothing and textiles collection. Over the years, the MAG has accepted multiple donations of clothing, hats, shoes, and other accessories belonging to Morris and Hazel, and their sons, Michael and David. They have also had a hand in encouraging others in the community to donate clothing of historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

NOTE: The hat on display is representative of the one that Hazel wore to the opening.  This hat was donated by Ella Ives.

Photo of Hazel and Morris Flewwelling at the official opening of the Red Deer & District Museum & Archives building on October 6, 1978.

Hazel Flewwelling museum opening outfit yellow

Close up of hat – The hat on display is representative of the one that Hazel wore to the opening.  This hat was donated by Ella Ives.

Hazel Flewwellings Museum Opening Outfit

Hazel Flewwelling’s Museum Opening Dress

Gift of Morris & Hazel Flewwelling (dress)

Gift of Mrs. Ella Ives (coordinating hat)



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